My self

My name is Saowaluk Chanpong. My nick name is Farn. I was born 19 June 1998. I'm Seventoon Years old. I'm from Thailand. I live in Changklang Nakhon Sri Thammaraf. It is in the sontn of Thailand. My family livesina Samall village. I come fromguite a small family. There are three people in my fumily. My mother's name is Pakdee. She is kind are cheerful. She is a gardener She is thirty-seven years old.My father Polite and geneeous. My name is Aboi. He is polite and generous. My father is gardener. He is thirty-five years old.We've got one cats.I'm studging at Changklangprachanukul School. I like math but l don't Sciene. My family likes to play foottall. My favorite color is blue.My hobby is Singing Songs. My favorie is Ben 10. I want to be aSoldier. Ican dance l love my Family and my freinds. My motto is fight to the end.

